jueves, octubre 02, 2008

Lecture Project

Group 7-2 from Mrs. Isolina Ramos English Class is participating in the project: Recreational Reading two hours weekly at the Liberata Iraldo Middle School Library with the help of the librarian Mrs. Olga V. Vázquez. The students complete their reading and present oral reports using puppets to dramatize their lectures among other activies.


-Enjoy books by reading for pleasure and apprecciation of literature Self-select books for a particular purpose, based on reading level, interest and/or assignment, with increasing levels and independence.
-Through book talks, learn about authors and genre, including folk tales, fables, fairy tales, myths and legends.
-The librarian works cooperatively with classroom teacher in the deveplovement of curriculum and design of activities to support that curriculum.

7-2 puppets

Reading is the best thing we can do, for ourselves and South Central PDC shows : "The Importance of Reading for Pleasure" like:
•Frequent practice reading for longer periods of time pays off in fluency and ability to use skills automatically.
•Increasing competence is motivating and increased motivation leads to more reading. When students can see their own progress, they want to read more.
•Pleasure reading has cognitive benefits. It improves skill and strategy use, builds fluency, enlarges vocabulary, and builds a student’s knowledge of the world.
The Michigan Department of Education shows "The Importance of READING" like:
-Reading serves as the major foundational skill for all school-based learning.
-The development of early literacy skills through early experiences with books and stories is critically linked to a child’s success in learning to read.

Sites: Free courses on line
http://www.mansioningles.com/ http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/http://bp3.blogger.com/_JUEbGytmSao/SHY9xQpKWuI/AAAAAAAAADU/70yzMyN0Owc/s1600-h/100free.JPG http://www.tododetest.com/ http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ http://www.practicaringles.com/